The Cock-crow Stone

The swell was fine as the tide pushed in between the Banjo Pier and along the harbour wall over Saunders Lane. Here a great pile of white rock once hoisted above the water striking a pose as a gleaming landmark fronting Looe Harbour.

First Saunders Lane, then the tides covered the white rock’s silted grave. Once not so long ago, balanced white rocks fronted the harbour.

Every day a cock was heard to crow with urgent persistence, his message vibrated through the stones. Sensitive as well as splendid, the pile of white rocks felt the cockerel bragging and knew the hour when the day's eggs were laid.

The tide pushed in and the rocks swelled with their own response to the bird’s exaltation, with a slow majesty the top rock turned three full circles, nodding its crest to the crow of Hay farm.

retold by Anna Chorlton

  • Looe